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The Algorithms


Lfu Cache


H Index

Fischer Yates Shuffle

Nested Brackets

Gauss Easter

Graham Scan

Linear Congruential Generator

Alternative List Arrange


Dijkstra Bankers Algorithm

Lru Cache

Guess the Number Search

Maximum Subsequence

Maximum Subarray

Least Recently Used

Tower of Hanoi

Activity Selection

Davisb Putnamb Logemannb Loveland

Scoring Algorithm


Smallest Circle

Vector Important Functions

Happy Number

Decimal to Roman Numeral

Iterative Tree Traversals

Recursive Tree Traversal

Palindrome of Number

Sparse Matrix

Paranthesis Matching

Kadanes 3

Buzz Number

Fast Integer Input

Stairs Pattern

Stack Postfix Notation

Return Subsequence

Eulers Function

Root Precision

Fibbonaci Series

Count Words

Perlin Noise


Bankers Algorithm

Top K Words

Remove Duplicate From String

Floyd Triangle

Rotate Matrice By 90 Degree

Skyline Problem

Happy Numbers Seq

Line Sweep

Reverse Stack Using Recursion

Count Char

Print A Matrix In Spiral Order

Implementing Auto Completing Features Using Trie

Memory Management Algorithms


Password Gen

Guass Legendre

CRC Algorithm

Brian Kernighan Algorithm

Lowest Base Palindrome

Two Pointers

Insert Delete In Array

Count Set Bits

Mini Max Algorithm

String Match Finite Automata

Palindrome Singly Linked List

Range In Sorted Array

Color Contrast Ratio

Median Of Running Array

Word Boggle


Three Sum Problem

Matrix Transpose

Sort 012 D

Palindrome Prime


Mcnaughton Yamada Thompson


Poly Add

Shunting Yard

Lexicographic Permutations

Longest Subsequence


Towers Of Hanoi


Y Combinator

Haversine Formula

Moore Voting Algorithm

Swap All Odd and Even Bits


Fisher Yates

Number of Days

Food Wastage Analysis From 1961-2013 Fao

Lucas Kanade

Simplex Standard

Video Games Analysis

Clothing Detection

Interval Scheduling

Parse Nested Brackets